Monday, September 15, 2008

Assignment Nr. 1-Veronika “The path to creativity”

To be an innovative company you have to ask for innovation.

The first thing I would do when starting up my own company is assembling a group of talented people and put them in an environment where creativity is expected.

A huge amount of time and a major attention would be paid to the process of recruiting, interviewing and training the stuff. I consider finding the right people for my company as being the most important factor. In an innovative company the right people are those who veritably serve their customers and are eager to build new products superior to anything that’s come before. For an entrepreneur is important to learn how the employees mind work, what they think about the creation of new specific products or services, what excites them and how they approach the problems.

In order to increase creativity and effectiveness, the company would motivate its personnel. And, it is not only the salary, bonuses and promotion that motivates the stuff…the most important factor is individual recognition. Every person, either they are business managers, or engineers, or machine operators, they all want to be creative and identify with the success of their profession and their organization. The biggest reward for the workers is to realize that they did contribute to making something meaningful happen.

Other means that will increase the effectiveness of the company could be: the rotation of the work places, the participation of the employees at the decision making process, the possibility to advance in job position, remuneration of the economic performance of teams.
I consider that the most important thing, when you start up your own organization is to create an environment that will encourage team work, fun and excitement, that will encourage the members to do things differently and better.

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